Lorenzo Jova Cherubini

In the last months of 2017 I took part as coordinator, graphic designer and illustrator for the making of this book/magazine which tells the birth and development of the album “Oh Vita!” by italian singer Lorenzo Jova Cherubini. Sbam! Is a project by Lorenzo Jova Cherubini, Piero Negri e Sergio Pappalettera.

Jova book presentation

Book presentation at the JovaPoPShop


Graphic coordination, Graphic design & Layout

Mondadori, 2017

Edited by
Piero Negri,
Sandra Piana,
Iacopo Barison

Translation by
Giovanna Granato,
Claudia Zonghetti,
Magali Berardo,
Martina Testa

Sergio Pappalettera
Studio Prodesign

Studio Prodesign


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